Dynamic assessment
Development of a computer application for dynamic assessment of executive functions among pupils with neurodevelopmental disorders and learning difficulties.
From 1 September 2019 to 31 December 2021 DYS-centrum® Praha z. ú. participated in the international project "Erasmus +"
C-DAOEF - Development of computerized adaptive applications for the dynamic assessment and enhancement of executive functions in students with neurodevelopmental and learning disorders
Cooperating organisations (universities + schools + non-profit organisations):
- Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain - main project coordinator)
- Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)
- Universidad de Malaga (Spain)
- University of Prešov (Slovakia)
- Kypriaki Mathimatiki Etaireia (Cyprus)
- Inthecity Project Development (Netherlands)
- DYS-centrum Praha z. ú. (Czech Republic)
Project objectives:
- development of dynamic assessment of executive functions of pupils with special educational needs - in "paper-pencil" format;
- development of a freely accessible web portal where online assessment tools are available;
- adaptation of the assessment tools into electronic form;
- building a database of assessment outputs;
- development of a manual for users of the assessment.
Target group
- Children aged 4-16 years with diverse special educational needs
- psychologists, special educators
- teachers