- Reading Fluency Apps for Struggling Readers in Primary School or A... is for App - Supporting Reading Fluency in Primary School Pupils
From 1 September 2018 to 31 August 2022 we were involved in the international project "Erasmus +"
Participating organisations (universities + schools + NGOs):
- KU Leuven (Belgium - main project coordinator)
- The Department of Human Communication Sciences at the University of Sheffield (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- Universiteit van Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- Faculty of Humanities, Charles University (Czech Republic)
- Go! Basisschool Ter Beuke (Belgium)
- Openbare Steigerland Montessorischool (Netherlands)
- Worsbrough Common Primary School (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- Zeleneč Primary School (Czech Republic)
- DYS-centrum® Praha z. ú. (Czech Republic)
- RID Dyslexia Dyscalculie (Netherlands)
- Netwerk Leerproblemen Vlaanderen (Belgium)
Project objectives:
- Pilot testing of currently used applications for the development of reading fluency at schools in Belgium, the Netherlands and the UK;
- selection of a suitable application for the Czech Republic and its evaluation in the environment of a school counselling centre and in a non-profit organisation for supporting children with learning difficulties;
- defining characteristics that should be met by a suitable app for the development of reading fluency; creating methodological materials for the use of apps in school classrooms, especially when working with pupils with reading difficulties - The Toolkit for teachers is available here.
- Creation of a framework that will enable the use of the knowledge gained in the project in everyday inclusive pedagogical practice;
- building an international community focused on further use of educational and game-based applications to promote literacy; raising general awareness in this area
Target group
- pupils with learning difficulties in reading
- teachers of reading
- parents of children
Useful links related to the project:
AisforApp Teacher Toolkit (adobe.com)